Assessments & Development Plans

Measure, Manage, Optimize

Unmeasured is leading blind.

By identifying strengths, weaknesses, and specific areas needing development, assessments enable leaders to tailor their learning journey, enhance self-awareness, and make informed decisions that drive both personal and organizational success. They ensure that development efforts are targeted, measurable, and aligned with strategic goals, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and preparing leaders to navigate challenges effectively while maximizing their impact on teams and the broader organization.

The Leadership Circle Profile 360° combines insightful feedback with advanced development techniques to create comprehensive, impactful leadership development. It offers a holistic view of a leader's performance by evaluating competencies and underlying motivations, providing actionable insights for growth. With a structured feedback session, leaders can drive transformational change and foster high-performing teams.

What you get:

3 in-depth reports

  • The Competency Report provides a detailed analysis of key leadership competencies, highlighting strengths and areas for development. It offers specific, actionable recommendations for enhancing leadership effectiveness.

  • The Reactivity Report identifies behavioral tendencies under stress, revealing how these reactions can hinder performance and team cohesion. This report predicts potential career-limiting behaviors and provides strategies for managing stress more effectively.

  • The Creative Report explores the core beliefs and motivations that shape a leader’s actions and decision-making processes. Understanding these drivers helps leaders align their actions with their values, creating an authentic leadership style and fostering a positive organizational culture.

Multi-source Feedback

  • Self-Assessment

  • Peer Assessments

  • Direct Reports

  • Boss Assessments

  • Boss's Boss Assessments

  • Additional Stakeholders who can speak to your leadership style and process

Time Required

  • Assessment Period: 2 weeks are provided for completing all assessments from self and others.

  • Debrief Session: A 2-hour debrief is scheduled after the assessment period to review the reports and build a custom development and action plan.

Additional Features

  • Custom Development Plan: Tailored strategies and actions to support individual growth and leadership development.

Ongoing Support: Access to resources and tools for continuous improvement and sustained leadership excellence.

Why me?

An Alliterations Answer 
  1. Goal-Setting Guru: I’ll help you set goals so clear and compelling, you’ll be more excited than a kid on Christmas morning.

  2. Motivation Maestro: My knack for motivation will have you tackling challenges like a rockstar on a world tour.

  3. Problem-Solving Pro: I turn obstacles into stepping stones with problem-solving skills that would make MacGyver jealous.

  4. Mindset Magician: I’ll transform your mindset so thoroughly, you’ll feel like you’ve been sprinkled with magic confidence dust.

  5. Humor Hero: I’ll keep you laughing through the toughest times because a good chuckle makes every hurdle easier to jump.

  6. Time-Management Titan: I’ll turn you into a master of time management, so you can handle any challenge like a seasoned pro.

  7. Energy Enhancer: My energy is contagious—you’ll find yourself powered up and ready to conquer even the longest days.

Why not me?!