What people are saying.

  • "At times I felt anxious given the high expectations in my new role. Shar took me through a few experiential exercises that helped me discover why I was feeling and performing that way; through these sessions we discovered my values and the ways to honour to them which helped in relieving this discomfort. One of the most effective sessions we had was finding my leader within; this concept was foreign yet I found it to be so powerful that to this day I go back to it when I am faced with a conflict. Her approach on guiding me and presenting information is effective because she will push you to think outside the box, get granular and ultimately help you see the source of the problem that is preventing you from moving forward. I find that I am more aware of my thoughts, feeling, surroundings and most important in the way I operate and so when there is negative thoughts or uncomfortable situations in the workplace (or in my personal life), I know how to combat them. I highly recommend Shar as a coach and as a mentor."

    — Carolina A, Small Business Owner

  • "Working with Shar has been an incredible experience. On top of being just an all around kind, warm and wise human, she is an amazing coach. She has helped me really step into my leadership by honing in on my personal mission statement, helping me see things from different perspectives, and helping me recognize the light and gifts within me. She really knows how to hold a safe space and is a great listener so she easily picks up on the language I use and reflects it back allowing me to see the unconscious beliefs that I’m still hanging on to. Earlier this year I had an opportunity to speak at an International Women’s Day event and she was able to give me invaluable feedback and pointers on my talk to help me make my intention and my message clear and show up from a place of confidence. She has been a pleasure to work with and I’m so grateful for her support in my journey!"

    — Nicki B., Small Business Owner

  • "Working with Shar has been an absolute game-changer for me and my team. Her unique approach to leadership development is unparalleled, blending expertise with a genuine passion for empowering individuals. From our very first session, I was immediately struck by her insightful guidance and deep understanding of leadership principles. What truly sets her apart is her unwavering dedication to fostering not just good leaders, but exceptional ones and this has had a profound impact on my leadership style and overall approach. The transformation in my leadership skills and the positive shift in our team's dynamics have been remarkable since partnering with ACCESS+ Leaders. Not only has my ability to navigate complex situations improved but also I now feel empowered to inspire and motivate others effectively.”

    — Sam B., VP Engineering

Russell Handelman, COO at Staff Relief Health Care Services

“Leadership is one of those things that you know what it means, but you don’t actually know what it really feels like until your thrown in front of the right leader. I knew I'd always want to help others accomplish their goals or even teach people how to get to the finish line they set out for themselves. It was only after I met Shar, that I began to understand the kind of work, dedication and approaches needed to become this kind of leader. Today I am privileged to be able to manage a team that both learns from me and teaches me every single day. Shar taught me that we are only as good as those we have around us. I have grown to be a leader that values what he learns from his peers often more than what I can bring to them. It's this mindset that has really empowered the team to excel and push ahead to be the best versions of themselves.”

“Shar is an exceptional leader who knows how to lead by example she is always a bright energy in a room but a powerful woman who is able to not only teach and instill leadership abilities in others but do so with a kind caring touch.”

Chris Poletek, VP of Partnerships and Operations

“The most enjoyable parts of our work together was experiencing the positive energy, trust, encouragement and inspiration. One of the most memorable outcomes of our work together included generating more focus, engagement and better outcomes from my team.”

Virginia Crabbé, Sales Leader @ Distributel

“Shar you're the best. Every time you came into a meeting the whole energy changed, in such a positive, fun way. You have all the qualities I would look for in a true leader. Definitely one of the best leaders I've had the pleasure of working with.”

Ray Cronin, Talent Acquistion @ Lillio

“I've always known myself to be a leader having been identified as such from my early years from others...but your presence at that point in my life has propelled me to the next phase of my leadership journey where in my career I have become: more confident; more outspoken; more pragmatic in my thinking; firmer in my convictions; unafraid to ask for help more often etc - the intangibles that transfer outside just work and into the overall persona.”

Shannon Adams, Growth Manager @ Fable

Christine Chua, Leader @ Service Canada

“Your most memorable achievement or success during our time together? Surviving consecutive months of super early morning training sessions with the team. What we would achieve in one hour with the group is comparatively what others would give in energy throughout a whole day. The team productivity grew with the training. We literally gave them the tools to run with and use. The wins felt more exciting when the theory was proven in practice. You had a way of stirring up a contagious productive energy with those around you. Seeing and feeling the electricity was incredible to watch happen with my own eyes. It was never a day here or there. It was literally consistent the whole time.”